Can Mary’s little lamb stop forest fires? Does Little Bo Peep’s lost sheep harvest vineyards in the French countryside? Is Baa Baa Black Sheep at the epicenter of reversing climate change in American farming? Grazing is a natural pastime for sheep, including ours we source our climate beneficial wool from. Read on to find out how this grazing is being put to good use all around the world!

The United States, particularly the west coast, has seen a drastic increase in drought and wildfires in the last decade. In order to protect people and animals alike, sheep are being sent into drought-threatened areas to mitigate fuel. This consists of sheep grazing and eating potentially flammable materials, such as dry grass and leaves, which then leaves less debris for a wildfire to feed off. California sheep think they’re enjoying a meal with a new view, yet they are actively trimming the landscape and potentially saving thousands of acres and lives.

In many regions of Southern France, sheep have been used for a similar purpose for centuries. Various vineyards throughout the countryside house sheep on-site for their grazing and fertilizing ability. Sheep organically improve the soil and quality of wine these vineyards produce while eliminating the need for pesticides and fuel-driven machinery. The sustainability becomes evident at these properties for years to come, creating long-lasting environmental supportability.

New York state has seen an increase in solar panel farming in recent years, and sheep additions to harvesting have seen an increase in productivity. Energy companies “rent” livestock from farmers in the area and the sheep's’ grazing eliminates the need for fossil fuels, machinery, and chemicals that would otherwise be necessary to maintain the solar panels. An already eco-friendly practice can be made so much greener with the help of a wooly friend!
Sheep impact hundreds of industries around the world and improve their sustainability practices. Here at the Frankenmuth Woolen Mill, our sheep are happily grazing in sunny Northern California as we speak, and their grazing is helping the environment as well. The farms we source our wool from have negative carbon footprints meaning their sustainable practices, including methodical grazing, far outnumber the carbon emissions their farms produce. Better grazing, better wool, and better sleep all go hand-in-hand, and with every purchase from the Frankenmuth Woolen Mill, you are investing in better sleep and sustainability.